I think the world is sending us all a very big message. 

It’s been said that human beings are social creatures and we were put on this earth for a reason. Everyone has their own ideas, but after this current disaster that has struck the world; I think we were put on this this earth to care for others and for the planet.

Unfortunately we are doing neither. For millennia’s – man has put in place many oppressive systems to control and separate us.

You can’t put a roof over your head, eat healthy food, bathe, or drink clean water unless you follow certain rules.

Apart from breathing there is a huge price to pay for our basic human needs.

The world has become money and power hungry, allowing the moguls of all eras to dictate what is more important. Forgotten about the essence of being a human, which is to care…

I personally think our economical,  technological, medical and cultural advances are amazing, but as much as everything around us is advancing, we are forgetting the true nature of being human.

There are more and more illnesses and natural disasters than every before. I feel like we have lost control and nature has decided to take over and restore the natural balance of order for in the world.

It doesn’t matter how much we advance, when nature decides to take a stand we are helpless. No amount of money or technology can help us.

We are in a global crisis where today it doesn’t matter if you own an airline company, are a property mogul, invest millions in stocks and shares, or are living off social security. We are all in the same boat.

It’s times like this where we see our humanity, and how wonderful we really are. People, the government’s, our utility suppliers, mortgage providers, bank and other companies are doing everything in their power to help.

It makes me think that if in times like this; providers are giving us payment holidays, offering financial incentives. Are the prices we pay for things actually realistic? Is there something we can now do from now on to make a change? Can we make all our services more friendly for everyone?

This global crisis is causing a lot of stress and fear for most of us. No one knows how long it will last and what their future holds in the long run. If this crisis has taught you anything, you are not measure by how much you have, you are measured by what you do for others. So do what every you can in your power for help others.

Try and stay positive, the unknown is not always bad, and there is a 50% chance this will be good or even better for you when we come out of it.

This lockdown is a blessing in disguise. We all have been given time to stop and reflect and take action on what is import.

You can ask yourself…

  • Am I who I really want to be?
  • Am I as fit and healthy as I’d like to be?
  • Am I doing my best to help people make this world a better place?

If not, this is the time to make a difference and make your world a better place.

You have the power in you right now to make a difference.